County Commission

Elected Officials


The County Commission is the governing body of a County. Roane County has a three-member commission.  Commissioners serve in part-time positions with a salary set by the legislature based on Assessed Valuation of Property in the County.

County Commission Meetings are held on the 2nd and 4th Thursdays at 10:00 am in the Commission Court Room with public comments welcome at 9:45am.  When the agenda is posted, you can view it here:  


Click HERE  for the most recent financial Audit. 

Please Contact Us:

Email President  Andrew Corkrean or call him at 377-1962

Email Commissioner, Randy Whited or call him at 927-5500

Email  Merlin Shamblin or call him at 927-0293

Email the Administrative Assistant or call her at 927-0078

Commissioners' powers and duties include: the custody, through their clerks, of all deeds and other papers presented for record in their county; the administration of the fiscal affairs and internal police of their counties with the authority to lay county levies (taxes); and serve as the judge of elections.

Other duties and responsibilities include: Preparation and adoption of county office budgets (except judicial); probate matters jurisdiction; lay and disburse county levies; sit as Board of Equalization and Review; appoint Fiduciary Commissioners to oversee and settle certain estates; appoint members of certain county boards, authorities and public service districts; adopt ordinances and orders in areas of jurisdiction; and consider payment vouchers for all elected county offices (except judicial).

Interested in utilizing the Courthouse Grounds for an event?  Follow these links to view the Courthouse Grounds Use Policy and the Application.

County Commission Meetings are held in the Commission Court Room. 

The Roane County Commission does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, sex, disability and age in employment or the delivery of services including those that are funded in whole or part using State or Federal Grants.  To file a complaint of discrimination regarding employment or the delivery of services provided please contact the West Virginia Human Rights Commission or the Office for Civil Rights


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